01 November 2008

Aceh Tsunami Returning 600 Each Year

JAKARTA - Two recent studies published the latest edition of journal Nature reveal the fact that the tsunami that hit Aceh in 2004 is the largest event in the last 600 years. Tsunami tooth that may be experienced recurrence back 600 years later.

This can be seen from the pattern layer of soil that is measured in two different locations by two different research teams. The team, led Kruawun Jankew from Chulalongkorn University of Thailand to take a sample of 150 points on the west coast of Thailand. Meanwhile, the team leader Katrin Monecke from the University of Pittsburgh, U.S. to take a sample of 100 points in Aceh in two years, 2006 and 2007.

In both locations the researchers found layers of sand-layer below the surface which is evidence of the tsunami in the last 2,500 years. Layer of sand formed from material that disapu waves to the mainland. With radiokarbon techniques, the tsunami can be estimated.

From the results of the measurements, they found that the tsunami kakuatannya equivalent to the 2004 events have occurred 600-700 years ago. One of them also reveal similar evidence that the tsunami had occurred between the years 780-990.

From : Kompas

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